Subalpine Midlayer/Insulation

- From desert scrub to dog-hair timber or temperate rainforests, Big Game Forested Systems enhance hunter stealth and performance across the spectrum of vegetated habitat. Featuring the only concealment pattern scientifically engineered to fool animal vision in tree-covered and vegetated terrain – GORE™ OPTIFADE™ Concealment Subalpine – Forested Systems combine cutting-edge concealment with advanced body-mapped fabrics and specialized designs that optimize breathability, mobility, durability and weather protection.

From desert scrub to dog-hair timber or temperate rainforests, Big Game Forested Systems enhance hunter stealth and performance across the spectrum of vegetated habitat. Featuring the only concealment pattern scientifically engineered to fool animal vision in tree-covered and vegetated terrain – GORE™ OPTIFADE™ Concealment Subalpine – Forested Systems combine cutting-edge concealment with advanced body-mapped fabrics and specialized designs that optimize breathability, mobility, durability and weather protection.